Our network
Our Network
In addition to an excellent group of shareholders, expeer GmbH has also built up a very strong network with a wide variety of partners from all areas of business and research. With this network of strategic, design and technical partnerships, we can offer our customers comprehensive and holistic solutions that are technologically leading and meet the highest quality standards.
Circle of shareholders
Prof. Dr. Sascha Alda
Dean of the Department of Computer Science at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Scientific Director at the Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (b-it)
Gerwin Brill
Shareholder, authorized representative
Head of Technical Division (CIO) expeer GmbH
Oliver Korth
Attorney at Law LL.M. Computer and Communications Law (London), Certified IT Law Specialist
Helmut Kögler
Shareholder, Advisory Board
Tax consultant
Jan Landscheidt-Haas
Regional Director Asia - GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Ltd.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lühn
Prof. Business Administration University of Applied Sciences for Economics & Management (FOM)
Kurt Nuderscher
Shareholder, Advisory Board
Philippe Nuderscher
Managing Partner
Managing Director (CEO) expeer GmbH
† Prof. Dr. Volkmar Pipek
Prof. at the Institute for Information Systems at the University of Siegen
Our partners

As a cloud service provider, Deutsche Telekom offers a flexible, reliable and secure hosting environment with the Open Telekom Cloud. The systems managed by the experts at expeer GmbH here have tested standards and flexible options for operating a wide variety of applications in the hosting and infrastructure-as-a-service area.

MMV Leasing
With our partner MMV Leasing, we offer you the solution for financing all types of software solutions. The advantages of such financing are convincing: You preserve your liquidity, your equity, your credit line; leasing payments are fully tax deductible as operating expenses; leasing is balance sheet neutral.

doppel::s Ltd.
expeer GmbH has been cooperating successfully with doppel::s GmbH, Cologne, for years on design issues for web portals and on issues relating to the development of multimedia web technologies.

expeer GmbH has established a successful and long-standing partnership with the communication agency tsitrone from Cologne. Together, many great projects have been realized.

University of Siegen
The University of Siegen is a medium-sized, interdisciplinary research university. It is firmly rooted in the region of South Westphalia and widely networked both nationally and internationally. With its research and teaching, it wants to contribute to a future that is oriented towards people and characterized by responsibility for society. This is expressed in the guiding principle of the University of Siegen: Shaping the future in a humane way.

University Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
The Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, founded on January 1, 1995, is a dynamic and research-intensive university. Located in the middle of the livable Rhineland, it offers around 9,000 students ideal opportunities for learning and research. In Bonn, it operates the Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (b-it) together with the University and RWTH Aachen University.

TU Darmstadt
The Technical Universiy Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) stands for excellent and relevant science: global transformations - from the energy transition to Industry 4.0 to artificial intelligence. The TU Darmstadt stands for a cosmopolitan approach and international orientation in study, teaching and research. It cooperates internationally at all levels - whether in research projects, student exchanges or partnerships.

TYPO3 Association:
expeer GmbH is an active and registered member of the TYPO3 Association! Our employees are "Certified TYPO3 Integrator"! We participate in all relevant and official training and information events of the Association, which we also officially sponsor. We also participate in TYPO3 sprints and thus actively contribute to the further development of the TYPO3 community.

Industrie und Handelskammer Bonn/Rhein-Sieg:
The Bonn/Rhine-Sieg Chamber of Industry and Commerce is a shaping force in the development of the Bonn/Rhine-Sieg economic region. It lives economic self-administration in the overall interest of its approximately 50,000 member companies from industry, trade and services in the federal city of Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg district.
expeer GmbH is a training company!

Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit e.V.:
The Society for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD) e.V. is a German association for data protection and data protection officers.
As a non-profit association, the GDD advocates sensible, defensible and technically feasible data protection. Its goal is to support data processors - especially data protection officers - in solving and implementing the many legal, technical and organizational requirements associated with data protection and data security.
expeer GmbH is a member of the GDD.
Sponsorship and donations
TYPO3 Conference
Inspiring Conference
TYPO3 Developer Days
TYPO3 Fundraising Project
Projekt T3Marketplace
Treffpunkt E-Commerce
Our donations:
Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.
Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung
Schalke hilft gGmbH
Spendenaktion Weihnachtslicht (Bonn)
Stiftung RTL – Wir helfen Kindern e.V.